About us

Welcome To Artifacts

Revolutionizing the Art Industry through Transparency and Accessibility

Founded four years ago, Artifacts was born from the vision to revolutionize the art world by making it more accessible, transparent, and data-driven. Our mission is to empower artists, galleries, and collectors by providing tools that enhance transparency without compromising privacy, ensuring a thriving and informed art ecosystem.

What we are trying to do

At Artifacts, we don’t aim to replace the vital roles of industry experts but to provide the tools and transparency to support and boost the art industry. As Peter Drucker once said, “What gets measured gets improved.” With Artifacts, we bring quantitative data into an industry driven by creativity, enabling it to evolve while preserving its unique spirit.

The Team


Won-jae Park, CEO


In-gyu Kim, CFO


June-seok Ahn, CPO

2024 by Artifacts